The last time I blogged was my race recap for Eagleman. Re-reading that rekindles my excitement to race again! And no better time since TODAY is 6 months until CHALLENGE AC!! Booyah!
Mom: Just a recap: 4 kids - all busy. Oldest daughter,14, is on the swim team this year and loving it! It is very time intensive - they don't leave the HS until 6 at night and get home at 9:30ish. She is learning a lot about time management - which is good for her. Daughter #2, 12, finished up field hockey with the middle school and is not concentrating on band and jazz band. Playing alto, tenor, and bari sax for the various bands. Son, 10, just turned his double digits 2 weeks ago. He is a webelo in cub scouts and has his swim class. I am trying to convince him to make the leap to swim team at the Y. He also takes a gymnastics class that he enjoys. Daughter #3, 5, has her girl scouts and takes gymnastics and swim class.
Vet: I am on vacation until 1/2. Yeah! That doesn't mean the calls, emails and texts have stopped. But they have lessened.
Survivor: I have appointments coming up next month - ultrasound and doctor appointment in January. All stable for now. Considering asking for a PET scan to see if it detects anything new/different.
Triathlete: 2013 was a great year for me race wise!
RACES 2013
May 5 - NJ Half Marathon Relay
May 12 - Manassas Ladies Sprint Tri - 2nd in AG!!
June 9 - Eagleman Half Ironman
July - Jersey Girl Tri Relay (Bike) 2nd place!
September 8 - Sandy Hook Sprint Tri
October 27 - Marine Corps Marathon
It was a year of firsts! My first HIM and my first MARATHON! Both had PR's !! Haha! I can only get better from here!
I have joined a group of triathletes swimming with a coach at 5 am twice a week. I think it will be very good for me - I have never swam the distances that she has us swimming. I am the second slowest right now, so I can only get faster. Trying to decide if I should consider a TI class or go for some private lessons. I watch videos and try to replicate what I do but I am not seeing improvement.
I am excited for 2014!
Races so far...
June 8 - Escape the Cape Sprint
June 29 - Challenge AC - guaranteed PR!!!
Considering -
Shamrock Half Marathon - March 16
Wineglass Marathon - October
Iron Girl Sandy Hook - September
There are so many races out there to try (or tri!)! I will have to do this a lot of years to try them all!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
EAGLEMAN Race Report 6.9.13 - Great day, but I want a REDO!!!
What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
-T. S. Eliot
PACKET PICKUP: It was a long day of travel, packet pickup, bike racking, and driving to the hotel. We found a sushi place to eat and we just had cooked sushi and appetizers. I was in bed by 8pm.
RACE DAY: We got up at 3am so that we could try to get a parking spot in the few available in the local neighborhoods which worked out well - that way Dave could use the car to charge his phone and rest between events. I took a quick shower to wake up and we quickly left the hotel that was 45 minutes away from the race site. We got a cup of coffee that I drank on the way to the race. I timed my breakfast for 2 1/2 hours before the start of my wave - had 1 cup rice with brown sugar and honey, with raspberries and almond milk at 5:30 am. I had a cliff gel at 7pm and sipped on 24oz of skratch. My wave went off at 8:05.
I stretched well but otherwise I was using the swim as my warm up.LOL
Before the race, 83 year old Sister Madonna Buder spoke. Her message: “We are lucky to be able to do this today. Enjoy the day and the blessings we have.” Truer words could not have been spoken!
Buder continues to compete in half and full iron events and is the oldest person to ever finish an ironman; she embodies the spirit that anything is possible. Amazing.
I am just not a strong swimmer - for those that know me, they know this. I really, really try though. I started with the pack and slowly they all pulled ahead. I was comfortable in the wetsuit and felt very buoyant. I was breathing on every other stroke for the first 1/3 of the course and had some weird scissor kick (not sure where that came from). I settled in finally and was able to breathe every 4 strokes and was kicking more normally. The buoys were very far apart and I had trouble siting them easily. Most triathlons seem to have double the buoys. By this time the next wave of 25-29 year old men tackled me. The water was clear, there was no chop, but there was a current at the back of the course that kept pushing me in the wrong direction. I kept correcting for this but I added more mileage than I needed to. In fact, being the over achiever that I am, I actually swam 1.41 miles according to my watch! This was a complete embarrassment of a swim. Three swim waves passed me when it was all said and done. My slowest swim in a triathlon yet.
What would I do differently: Consider duathlons in the future (not kidding) or figure out whatever key element I am missing that prevents me from swimming with any speed whatsoever.
Time 57:57 (2.44/100yards) UGH!
The string from the back of the wetsuit was stuck on the inside of my leg around my timing chip. I had to sit down to work that out. Otherwise, transition was smooth.
Because of all the rains 2 days before the race, the marshy transition area had turned into a muddy disaster. They laid large cloths over but with SO many people it just didn't help. The bike out was just 3-5 inches of mud to run through. My bike shoes were covered in mud completely.
What would I change: Reapply sunscreen. I had put a fair bit of water resistant sunscreen on before the race, but I should have reapplied here.
I really liked this bike course. I love riding by water and through parks so this course suited me well. I spent most of the ride looking at the wildlife. It was really flat so you were pedaling the entire time. I drank every 5 minutes for the first 2 hours and really 'worked' at my hydration. I stayed on nutrition and ate 1/2 of a honey stinger waffle at 20 and 40 miles. I felt great for the first 2 hours - I was in aero about 90% of this ride. The last hour of the ride my lower back and neck started to get really tight and bother me so I up was up and down a lot. By this time, the wind had started to pick up some - not bad but present. I stopped once at 22 miles to refill my aero bottle. I drank about 48 oz total, probably not enough. I wish I would have taken one of the waters that were available so that I could have rinsed my mouth of all the sugar. I hate that feeling and this was the beginning of my troubles.
Ave HR 142 - should have gone harder??
56.11 miles 3:10:32 Ave speed 17.7mph
What would I do differently:
Take a water bottle when I start to get that 'feeling' in my mouth.
More training rides in aero more so my neck and back get more accustomed to it.
I really wasn't sure how hard to push the bike and still have energy for the run. I have heard so many people go too hard on the bike and leave nothing for the run. I think I could have gone harder as my HR wasn't that high.
The run in with the bike was worse than getting out. Really bad mud. Ankle deep by the time I got in - like a little tough mudder thrown in the middle of a half ironman.
I will start by saying that this is my slowest HM time ever and I was so disappointed. In retrospect, I think I figured out where I went wrong. My first mistake is that I gave Dave my running bottle filled with skratch because it was so hot I couldn't handle the thought of drinking HOT anything by this point. The run started well and I was pacing at 9:50's, exactly what my coach had predicted. I stopped to use a port o potty after the first mile - I had to pee really bad. I still had that bad sugar taste in my mouth and I couldn't wait for the first aid station to get some cold water. I rinsed my mouth out and spit it out and felt much better. It was getting hot by this point (I think someone said it reached 86 degrees and it was muggy/humid by the marsh) with the direct sun and I had some mild cramping and a dull headache. I ran to the next aid station and drank a cup of water and put ice down my shirt. I chewed on ice in between aid stations. My pace started to slow at this point. I was supposed to eat a gel at 4 and 8 miles but couldn't get over the thought of putting more sugar in my mouth. In my head I kept hearing Coach Scott say 'Keep to your nutrition plan even if you don't want to' - and although I really, really wanted to, this is where my mind won out and things got bad. I decided I would start drinking gatorade (for calories and lytes), putting water over my head and ice down my shirt at each aid station. I was still running between aid stations, but even though my mind wanted my body to go faster, for some reason I couldn't when I tried - my body just wouldn't respond. I ran with my head down and just kept shuffling/passing all the people who were walking. 90% of people were walking at this point. I think that played into my mental status as well. I told myself I would only walk the aid stations and I did stick to that plan. I also told myself that at the turn around I would force a gel down and I wish I had stuck to that plan. I somehow convinced myself that drinking gatorade was keeping my calories up. The last half of the run was just a shuffle all the way back. I really couldn't understand at the time why my body couldn't get up to at least a 10m/m. My feet started squishing also about half way through - between the mud that got into my socks from the bike and the water I kept putting over my head that got to my feet, I could tell I was getting some blisters (which I never get) - and yes, both big toes have blisters!
In retrospect, I am sure I was terribly hypoglycemic during the run. By that point in the run, I had only taken in my rice concoction, a gel, and a waffle for solids the entire day. I was like a zombie by the end of the run and although I was functioning I knew I didn't feel right. I did not want any of the food that was available after the race so we just packed up and left. We were about 2 hours away when we stopped to get some food and I felt IMMEDIATELY (like within minutes) better after some hot chocolate and cheetos (of all things). I think I was craving sugar and salt! I couldn't believe how much better I felt and I was talking and thinking much more normally. I was really stupid during the run and should have just stuck to the plan. It is clear now that I needed more calories to keep running. I would have cut at least 20-30 min off that time.
Ave HR 145 - I tried to get that into at least the 150's and just couldn't.
11:41 min/mile - 2:33:15 - that is just hard to write.....
What I would do better: Follow my nutrition plan and take in more calories!!! Maybe add more calories to the bike in preparation for the run.
I think this was a great race! I loved this distance and would like to go back and have a 'redo' so I can do it better with better decision making! I couldn't have asked for better weather conditions!! I have a pretty bad sunburn that I am nursing right now though - damn Coppertone didn't work the way it should have!
Total time 6:50:40
Age group rank 85/125
Gender rank 438/680
Total rank 1516/2100
One of the things I need to get over is the fact that I am not that good - not that I don't try hard, because I do. I am just not a person who will ever 'win' at a big race like Eagleman and I really know that is OK! Band Geek to Triathlete?? LOL It is just part of my personality to 'be the best' at what I do and in this sport, unless you pick your race correctly, I will not win. So really I just participate in triathlon, not really 'race', especially at events of this size! I worked hard! AND I HAD FUN! And I loved the journey to get here!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Ladies Sprint Tri - 5.12.13 Race Recap!
I really like this race - It is a great season opener and a way to shake out the cob webs. This year there were 135 triathlon registrants, up from last year. Last year, I placed 2nd in my age group and secretly, I was hoping I would place again. This is a small enough race that I actually have a chance to place. I have said it before, anyone can win/place if they pick the race 'correctly'!
Pre-Race -
I didn't get as much sleep as I normally would. I left a work conference I was at and met my family at my inlaws. We went to my nephews drama play and didn't get home until 11pm. It was difficult to get to sleep even after I finally got into bed. Normally I would be in bed by 8pm. Alarm went off at 4:30am; got myself ready and woke up my husband and son. We packed up the car and we were ahead of schedule. We stopped for coffee and I sipped on my Skratch on the 30 minute drive. I drank about 6oz of Skratch and 1/4 up of coffee by the time we got to the race. I had a banana about an hour before the race and a cliff gel about 15 minutes before the race.
This was a seeded start meaning that you had to tell them how fast you *think* you would finish the 400 yards. I had seeded myself at the 10 minute mark. I was #105 into the water. They start a new person every 5 seconds. I had a difficult time finding a breathing rhythm and wound up breathing on every stroke for most of the swim. Although I did better than last years swim, I am still slow as molasses.I had much less anxiety though which is good.
What would I do differently?
Figure out how to swim faster or become a duathlete. (Not kidding!)
This was supposed to be an 8 mile course. Garmin measured it as 7.21 miles. It was 2 loops with 9 hairpin turns. As soon as you got up to speed, you were forced to slow down and do a 180. The wind was terrible and there was a head or crosswind for about 80%. There was one section where I had a tail wind which allowed me to get going pretty fast. I felt like my shifting was very effective to try and maintain an even cadence and not power through the wind. I was VERY happy with the fact that not a single person passed me on the bike (or the run). I was able to track everyone down within eyeshot. My bike split was 6th fastest out of 135.Given the wind and all the hairpin turns, my average was only 16.2mph.
What would I do differently?:
Try to drink on the bike. I was parched by the end.
There was a headwind or crosswind with gusts until the last 1/2 mile. I thought I was running much faster than I was. Definitely felt it pick up once the wind was at my back! Again, Garmin measured 1.82 miles, it was supposed to be 2 miles.
What would you do differently?:
Practice running faster more.
Overall, I won second in my AG again. If I could fix my swim I may actually win my AG. Ahhhh...a girl can dream. I guess you always need something to challenge you and for me, swim it is!!
I was happiest with my bike performance! I feel like I have made a lot of gains in the bike! Sidenote: The top two bike finishers I highly suspect cut the course. I am not sure if it was on purpose or not, but they had times 3-5 minutes faster than anyone else this year or last. They also started their swim after me therefore with their bike times, they should have passed me - they didn't. So unofficially (and my coach agrees with this), I had the 4th fastest bike split!!
Next race.....EAGLEMAN!!!
Pre-Race -
I didn't get as much sleep as I normally would. I left a work conference I was at and met my family at my inlaws. We went to my nephews drama play and didn't get home until 11pm. It was difficult to get to sleep even after I finally got into bed. Normally I would be in bed by 8pm. Alarm went off at 4:30am; got myself ready and woke up my husband and son. We packed up the car and we were ahead of schedule. We stopped for coffee and I sipped on my Skratch on the 30 minute drive. I drank about 6oz of Skratch and 1/4 up of coffee by the time we got to the race. I had a banana about an hour before the race and a cliff gel about 15 minutes before the race.
This was a seeded start meaning that you had to tell them how fast you *think* you would finish the 400 yards. I had seeded myself at the 10 minute mark. I was #105 into the water. They start a new person every 5 seconds. I had a difficult time finding a breathing rhythm and wound up breathing on every stroke for most of the swim. Although I did better than last years swim, I am still slow as molasses.I had much less anxiety though which is good.
Swimming | ||||||
00:10:08 | 400 yards | 02m 30s / 100yards | ||||||
Age Group: | 11/27 | |||||
Overall: | 75/135 (pathetic) |
What would I do differently?
Figure out how to swim faster or become a duathlete. (Not kidding!)
This was supposed to be an 8 mile course. Garmin measured it as 7.21 miles. It was 2 loops with 9 hairpin turns. As soon as you got up to speed, you were forced to slow down and do a 180. The wind was terrible and there was a head or crosswind for about 80%. There was one section where I had a tail wind which allowed me to get going pretty fast. I felt like my shifting was very effective to try and maintain an even cadence and not power through the wind. I was VERY happy with the fact that not a single person passed me on the bike (or the run). I was able to track everyone down within eyeshot. My bike split was 6th fastest out of 135.Given the wind and all the hairpin turns, my average was only 16.2mph.
Biking | |||
00:26:36 | 07.21 miles | 16.26 mile/hr | |||
Age Group: | 1/27 (Woohoo!!) | ||
Overall: | 6/135 (Woohoo!) - See SIDENOTE below! |
What would I do differently?:
Try to drink on the bike. I was parched by the end.
There was a headwind or crosswind with gusts until the last 1/2 mile. I thought I was running much faster than I was. Definitely felt it pick up once the wind was at my back! Again, Garmin measured 1.82 miles, it was supposed to be 2 miles.
Running | |||
00:16:01 | 01.82 miles | 08m 48s min/mile | |||
Age Group: | 2/27 | ||
Overall: | 20/135 |
Practice running faster more.
Overall, I won second in my AG again. If I could fix my swim I may actually win my AG. Ahhhh...a girl can dream. I guess you always need something to challenge you and for me, swim it is!!
I was happiest with my bike performance! I feel like I have made a lot of gains in the bike! Sidenote: The top two bike finishers I highly suspect cut the course. I am not sure if it was on purpose or not, but they had times 3-5 minutes faster than anyone else this year or last. They also started their swim after me therefore with their bike times, they should have passed me - they didn't. So unofficially (and my coach agrees with this), I had the 4th fastest bike split!!
Next race.....EAGLEMAN!!!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Half Marathon Relay Race Recap - 5/5/13
Here we are in May and I beg to ask, WHERE IS SPRING???
Today was the first race of my season. I did the NJ Half Marathon Relay last year as well. For races that I have done before I always check back and see what my time was so, of course, I can try to beat it. Last year I did 6.9 miles with a 8:37 min/mile pace. That's not too shabby for this 43 year old! The gauntlet has been dropped - I need to beat 8:37 min/mile.
Tina and I arrive early. We even had time enough to stop at a hotel along the route to use the restrooms. This is our signature move....although I will use a portapotty if I have to, I prefer a clean bathroom and hotels are perfect for this! Thanks to the Holiday Inn, that is what I got.
Next stop, my drop off at 5:45 am. The race started at 6:50 and it is 46 degrees out (again, where is spring??). I was smart enough to dress appropriately with 3 layers on top, compression socks, and my skirted Athleta pants. AND I remembered gloves!!! While waiting I bounced around, stretched, ate my banana, waited, stretched some more. I had a Cliff gel about 5 minutes before the race started and washed it down with some Skratch.
I kept telling myself that this should/could be a training run. I had no taper for this run and was just finishing a 3 week build for my triathlon. I rode 45 miles and ran 2 miles yesterday. My legs were tired. I shouldn't put that pressure on myself. But that darn competitive nature of mine kicked in full force.
The national anthem was sung and then they did a round of Sweet Caroline in honor of Boston. The wheelchair races were off and then so was I. And I was really off....
First mile 7:56 min/mile
Second mile 7:58 min/mile
Third mile 8:37 min/mile (uh oh)
Fourth mile 8:38 min/mile (another uh oh)
Fifth mile 8:56 min/mile - who put two bridges in the same mile!!! It's a hill, get over it is what I kept telling myself
Sixth mile 8:44 min/mile - now I am averaging these miles in my head...
Seventh mile 8:34 min/mile
Eighth mile 8:11 min/mile - longer than last years race
So the you think I beat it?
7.02 miles
59:34 total time
8:29 min/mile average
8 second per mile PR for a total of 56 second PR!!!
That was close.
I wonder if I had tapered if I could have maintained the sub 8 min/miles??
The handoff went well to Tina. She was off. I walked about 1/2 a mile and then did a recovery pace the rest of the way. I met Tina at the finish and our total time was 2:00:23. She did a great 9:49 min/mile pace which gave her almost a 7 minute PR over last year! Go Tina!!
We were 8 seconds from being the 3rd female masters team out of 31!! We were 6th last year, so we moved up 2 spots to 4th this year! This might be the reason we go back next year!!
Next week - my first TRI of the season!!! The Ladies Choice Super Sprint in Manassas, VA!!! I won 2nd in my AG last year.....the pressure is on!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
38 days and counting

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge,
but rather a lack in will."~~Vince Lombardi
Here I am!! The last month before Eagleman! I have been training specifically for this since October. Next month is June already and the countdown continues. I have moments where I think I am ready and moments I think I am crazy. Ready vs. Crazy?? Maybe a little of both. I know I can do each of the distances separately for sure....but can I add them together while racing?
Which brings up....Racing vs. Finishing. I think those are two different things. I am almost certain I can finish the distance, but I have been training to race. I have done speed work and tabatas in swimming, biking, and running. It is going to legs, my lungs. I have to pace myself so I don't go too fast on the bike and have nothing left for the run. I need to fuel properly so I don't run out of steam, but so that I don't get stomach cramps either. There is so much to think about.
I think at this point, more than a month out for this race, I am in a good place thanks to my coach. She has told me what to do and I have done it. She keeps telling me that I am faster than I think I am. I hope she is right! LOL
I am so excited as racing season starts. I am SO excited as my friends who have also been training hard get to race their races. Let the season begin!!!!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I want to qualify for Boston?
Boston is the only marathon in the world, short of the olympics and championships, that you have to qualify for. I just learned this.
I am doing my first marathon in October of this year. I have never run a marathon. Why would I think I could qualify for Boston.....anytime soon. I have no idea how fast I could/would run a marathon. I doubt you just double your half marathon time - which my best is 2:04. I haven't run a half marathon in a year. I am pretty sure I could better that time and I would hope go sub 2:00.
I just looked it up. AFTER I age up to the next age group - next year - I would need to run a 3:55 marathon to qualify. That boils down to between an 8:50-9:00 minute/mile. Hmmm...I have no idea if that is doable over the next several years or not. I have read stories of women taking a year or two to really 'work' at qualifying.
If you don't know me well, you probably don't know that I LOVE a challenge. I LOVE being told that I can't do something because then I want to do it even more than ever.
( I was told in high school by an ignorant guidance counselor once that I would never go to anything more than community college. I was an A student in high school - I really never understood it and boy, did it tick my mother off!! The rest of the story......I went on to a 4 year college, then got accepted to 7 veterinary schools, graduated second in my veterinary class, went on to do an internship and a residency, and passed my board certification exam on the first try. What an a$$ that guidance counselor was!)
So, whether or not I can or will BQ is a story still to be told. I think I need to run my first full marathon and see how I like the distance.
Has anyone had to work hard to finish a challenge they started?
I am doing my first marathon in October of this year. I have never run a marathon. Why would I think I could qualify for Boston.....anytime soon. I have no idea how fast I could/would run a marathon. I doubt you just double your half marathon time - which my best is 2:04. I haven't run a half marathon in a year. I am pretty sure I could better that time and I would hope go sub 2:00.
I just looked it up. AFTER I age up to the next age group - next year - I would need to run a 3:55 marathon to qualify. That boils down to between an 8:50-9:00 minute/mile. Hmmm...I have no idea if that is doable over the next several years or not. I have read stories of women taking a year or two to really 'work' at qualifying.
If you don't know me well, you probably don't know that I LOVE a challenge. I LOVE being told that I can't do something because then I want to do it even more than ever.
( I was told in high school by an ignorant guidance counselor once that I would never go to anything more than community college. I was an A student in high school - I really never understood it and boy, did it tick my mother off!! The rest of the story......I went on to a 4 year college, then got accepted to 7 veterinary schools, graduated second in my veterinary class, went on to do an internship and a residency, and passed my board certification exam on the first try. What an a$$ that guidance counselor was!)
So, whether or not I can or will BQ is a story still to be told. I think I need to run my first full marathon and see how I like the distance.
Has anyone had to work hard to finish a challenge they started?
Saturday, April 20, 2013
49 days until Eagleman. Only 2 weeks until MY race season officially starts with the NJ Marathon Relay. One week after that I have my first triathlon in VA. I feel like I have a countdown going for everything....MCM is 189 days away. I hope I am not just wishing my days away.
We are just days after the tragedy of the Boston Marathon. I have never even fathomed that I could qualify for Boston, ever. Now, more than ever, I would like to actually BQ (Boston Qualify). I want to do this race. I want to be one of the thousands of runners that shows the world that runners can't be stopped. It has been evidenced this week. Just a day after the marathon bombings, the fitness pages of facebook had organized virtual runs and race shirt days. It was incredible how quickly everyone mobilized in support of Boston. I am proud to be part of that movement. Did I just say I want to BQ?
I received multiple emails in the days following Boston from other races that I am participating in regarding the increase in their safety measures. I am beyond heartbroken and devastated for the family of little Martin Richard, the 8 year old boy who died in the bombings as he was waiting for his father to cross the finish line. His sister lost a leg and his mother has a brain injury. I can not imagine the survivors guilt the father must feel - they came to the race to watch him. He is fine and his family is destroyed. I am not sure I would be able to live with that. I have had my family at many finish lines....and I love it. I love looking for them and hearing them cheer me on. I love my husband running his own 'race' to get the best pictures of me. He is totally there because of me. I am not sure how I would feel if he was injured or killed just because he was at a certain location watching me. Running in DC in October should be interesting. Mixed emotions.
We can't control these things and we can't let these 'bad' people 'win'. Just like after 9/11, we will go on. We will continue to run races and have our families support us. We will run for the runners in Boston who didn't get to finish their race. We will run faster and stronger to show the world that runners will not be stopped. Did I just say I want to BQ?
We are just days after the tragedy of the Boston Marathon. I have never even fathomed that I could qualify for Boston, ever. Now, more than ever, I would like to actually BQ (Boston Qualify). I want to do this race. I want to be one of the thousands of runners that shows the world that runners can't be stopped. It has been evidenced this week. Just a day after the marathon bombings, the fitness pages of facebook had organized virtual runs and race shirt days. It was incredible how quickly everyone mobilized in support of Boston. I am proud to be part of that movement. Did I just say I want to BQ?
I received multiple emails in the days following Boston from other races that I am participating in regarding the increase in their safety measures. I am beyond heartbroken and devastated for the family of little Martin Richard, the 8 year old boy who died in the bombings as he was waiting for his father to cross the finish line. His sister lost a leg and his mother has a brain injury. I can not imagine the survivors guilt the father must feel - they came to the race to watch him. He is fine and his family is destroyed. I am not sure I would be able to live with that. I have had my family at many finish lines....and I love it. I love looking for them and hearing them cheer me on. I love my husband running his own 'race' to get the best pictures of me. He is totally there because of me. I am not sure how I would feel if he was injured or killed just because he was at a certain location watching me. Running in DC in October should be interesting. Mixed emotions.
We can't control these things and we can't let these 'bad' people 'win'. Just like after 9/11, we will go on. We will continue to run races and have our families support us. We will run for the runners in Boston who didn't get to finish their race. We will run faster and stronger to show the world that runners will not be stopped. Did I just say I want to BQ?
Friday, February 8, 2013
I was lucky enough to get samples from Skratch Labs - a relatively new company for sports hydration. I was attracted to this product because I am always looking for all natural alternatives for training and racing. It is very hard to find products that are not overloaded with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners. According to their website, their mission is to "......use real world science
and practice to create the very best nutrition products. Products that taste great, that are made from real all-natural ingredients, and that
are designed to optimize performance
and health for both sport and life".
Apparently, Skratch hydration products have been used by pro cyclists for some time. Story has it that the pros would secretly change out their sponsors' sports drinks with Skratch.
I was given samples of their excercise hydration mix in 4 flavors: lemon/lime, orange, pineapple, and raspberry. I have tried all but orange so far and in an unexpected finding, I liked the pineapple flavor the best. I am a big raspberry person so thought that would have been my favorite.
Although I have been sugar free (this go round) for over a month, when I have long training sessions (over 90 min) I am told by my coach that I should have a sports drink for the carbs and the electrolytes. I have tried all types of sport drinks and supplements and really, really, really do not like their tastes. I really prefer water over any sports drink. However, I did find the taste of Skratch very refreshing and although the first ingredient is cane sugar, it did not seem overly sweet. Calorically this stuff also met my requirements; it has 310mg of sodium with only 20g of sugar per 16 fl oz., which is twice the sodium of Gatorade with one third less sugar.
I REALLY want to try apple and cinnamon hydration mix - limited edition winter flavor. I think I would like this flavor and they say it can be even heated up. I would imagine after a long run outside in the cold snowy weather we have been having that this would really hit the spot! Maybe I can get a sample of that too?? (HINT, HINT)
So all in all, I am very happy that I found Skratch Labs. I think I finally found a product that I can train with for my HIM. I am glad that it is not very sweet, it gives me enough electrolytes, and that I like the taste. For me, that is fantastic!!
Thanks Skratch Labs for the samples!!! (I was given these samples and not paid for my review).
Apparently, Skratch hydration products have been used by pro cyclists for some time. Story has it that the pros would secretly change out their sponsors' sports drinks with Skratch.
I was given samples of their excercise hydration mix in 4 flavors: lemon/lime, orange, pineapple, and raspberry. I have tried all but orange so far and in an unexpected finding, I liked the pineapple flavor the best. I am a big raspberry person so thought that would have been my favorite.
Although I have been sugar free (this go round) for over a month, when I have long training sessions (over 90 min) I am told by my coach that I should have a sports drink for the carbs and the electrolytes. I have tried all types of sport drinks and supplements and really, really, really do not like their tastes. I really prefer water over any sports drink. However, I did find the taste of Skratch very refreshing and although the first ingredient is cane sugar, it did not seem overly sweet. Calorically this stuff also met my requirements; it has 310mg of sodium with only 20g of sugar per 16 fl oz., which is twice the sodium of Gatorade with one third less sugar.
I REALLY want to try apple and cinnamon hydration mix - limited edition winter flavor. I think I would like this flavor and they say it can be even heated up. I would imagine after a long run outside in the cold snowy weather we have been having that this would really hit the spot! Maybe I can get a sample of that too?? (HINT, HINT)
So all in all, I am very happy that I found Skratch Labs. I think I finally found a product that I can train with for my HIM. I am glad that it is not very sweet, it gives me enough electrolytes, and that I like the taste. For me, that is fantastic!!
Thanks Skratch Labs for the samples!!! (I was given these samples and not paid for my review).
Monday, January 28, 2013
I have exciting news for everyone! Look over at the sidebar---------> Do it now.....---------->
Do you see anything new over there? Look down a little....below the Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge that doesn't quite fit in the square (I never could get the circle into the square peg...)
Do you see it now? I'm a GIRL GONE SPORTY AMBASSADOR!!!!
It is sort of strange how I found out though.....I kept getting all these emails AS IF I was one, but never got an official invitation. Finally, I decided to reply to one of the emails and simply ask. She replied right away and said YES! I was selected back on January 2! The only thing that I can think of is that is the day we traveled home from Florida on the train and the email was sketchy at best!
So what is Girls Gone Sporty? It is a group of women by women who love athletics as much as I do! The organization is new, founded in 2011, but they've already got a great network of people. Check out their website where you can find lots of great information about the latest fitness trends, nutrition, product reviews and more. And of course, as one of their ambassadors, I promise to keep you in the know!
Take a look at their social media - follow Girls Gone Sporty on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
Do you see anything new over there? Look down a little....below the Sweat Pink Ambassador Badge that doesn't quite fit in the square (I never could get the circle into the square peg...)
Do you see it now? I'm a GIRL GONE SPORTY AMBASSADOR!!!!
It is sort of strange how I found out though.....I kept getting all these emails AS IF I was one, but never got an official invitation. Finally, I decided to reply to one of the emails and simply ask. She replied right away and said YES! I was selected back on January 2! The only thing that I can think of is that is the day we traveled home from Florida on the train and the email was sketchy at best!
So what is Girls Gone Sporty? It is a group of women by women who love athletics as much as I do! The organization is new, founded in 2011, but they've already got a great network of people. Check out their website where you can find lots of great information about the latest fitness trends, nutrition, product reviews and more. And of course, as one of their ambassadors, I promise to keep you in the know!
Take a look at their social media - follow Girls Gone Sporty on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Monday, January 14, 2013
Crazy Sexy Cancer
'Cancer wasn't killing me, it was pushing me to live. Maybe my lesson was about patience and acceptance. If I could learn to be at peace with my disease, even if it didn't go away, then I could do anything." Kristin Carr
I watched the movie Crazy Sexy Cancer which is about a 31 year old diagnosed with a rare form of cancer with no treatment options. Ultimately, she turned to a clean diet and healthy eating and has had stable disease for many years. I have been eating a 'clean' diet on/off for several years now, especially since I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. The Anticancer Diet was all about how cancer would thrive off of sugar. I remember thinking that right before I was diagnosed I had been eating sugar again - that surely had to be the reason I had cancer.
I really limit any sugar intake now, except for rare occasions. My grandfather, who has been on some sort of diet for his cardiac health since I was a kid, always made an exception on birthdays and holidays to indulge in a dessert. I have done the same, however for me, it sometimes leads to a spiral out of control sugar rage. I am much better about keeping these sugar 'rages' under control these days than I used to be.
Over the holidays, I read the book "It starts with food", by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. It is a very similar message to a lot of these other books and eat clean diets. This book talks about decreasing sugar intake, but eating whole foods, not processed foods. Fruit is allowed as it is a whole food. There are no forms of other sugars - no honey, maple syrup, stevia, etc. I have never been one to drink diet soda or like the flavor of artificial sweeteners, so this has never been an issue for me. If I was going to have sugar, I would always prefer it in its natural form. It is still healthier to use honey as a sweetener than any artificial sweetener. If you watch the documentary called Hungry for Change, you would probably never put another artificial sweetener in your body.
I am Day 9 into a 30 day 'whole food' eating plan based on the book. It has been very easy. Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, and meats - no processed foods, dairy, or grains.. Pretty simple. I was eating healthy before this so it has been an easy transition with no real detox feelings. People think I am crazy and too restrictive - no dairy, no grains, no convenience foods. My thought is that if this will keep my cancer stable, then why not.
Tomorrow - recheck ultrasound. I will update after I have the results! Fingers crossed!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
2013 Goals - Not resolutions
I really don't believe in resolutions. I think many people try to make very drastic changes at the beginning of a new year that are not realistic. However, a new year is a fresh start. It offers people a clean canvas to paint the life they want.
That said, I feel like I work towards my different fitness goals everyday. I have been getting up between 4:20-5am for 13 months now. That was a hard habit to establish, but it is a habit now and my body will wake up no later than 5:30 even on days when I can sleep in. I feel like I get so much done in those extra morning hours and that it really sets me up for a full, active, motivated day. I actually feel sluggish on days that I don't train.
As far as parenting, I really try to be patient everyday, but I will admit some days are easier than others. I will work on that more. I have been playing games and animals and dress up with the kids. Even though I hate board games, I have been playing them. So far, so good in this regard.
Most of my goals for 2013 are fitness related and I have made them know already. I have 154 days left until my first half Ironman. That is a huge goal for me and I am very excited about it! I have a plan in place and as long as I follow the plan I should be able to complete and compete that day! I hope to do a spattering of other sprints and olympic distance races, but my A race is that HIM.
After the HIM, I will start training for my first marathon. Hopefully, I can get into the Marine Corps Marathon in October. That will be my second big goal of the year. Two endurace events.
On a smaller scale, my personal goal is to drink more water. I am pretty sure I stay chronically dehydrated. I think in preparation for my bigger goals, I would like to try to better my hydration. But baby steps....I am starting the month of January by trying to drink 16oz/day. Other than coffee, I don't drink anything most days. I started putting a water bottle next to the kitchen sink. My goal is to drink that one bottle every day. If I do well, I might consider increasing it to two water bottles daily. I know its not the recommended water intake per day, but again, baby steps.
No resolutions, but a couple of goals for the year.
That said, I feel like I work towards my different fitness goals everyday. I have been getting up between 4:20-5am for 13 months now. That was a hard habit to establish, but it is a habit now and my body will wake up no later than 5:30 even on days when I can sleep in. I feel like I get so much done in those extra morning hours and that it really sets me up for a full, active, motivated day. I actually feel sluggish on days that I don't train.
As far as parenting, I really try to be patient everyday, but I will admit some days are easier than others. I will work on that more. I have been playing games and animals and dress up with the kids. Even though I hate board games, I have been playing them. So far, so good in this regard.
Most of my goals for 2013 are fitness related and I have made them know already. I have 154 days left until my first half Ironman. That is a huge goal for me and I am very excited about it! I have a plan in place and as long as I follow the plan I should be able to complete and compete that day! I hope to do a spattering of other sprints and olympic distance races, but my A race is that HIM.
After the HIM, I will start training for my first marathon. Hopefully, I can get into the Marine Corps Marathon in October. That will be my second big goal of the year. Two endurace events.
On a smaller scale, my personal goal is to drink more water. I am pretty sure I stay chronically dehydrated. I think in preparation for my bigger goals, I would like to try to better my hydration. But baby steps....I am starting the month of January by trying to drink 16oz/day. Other than coffee, I don't drink anything most days. I started putting a water bottle next to the kitchen sink. My goal is to drink that one bottle every day. If I do well, I might consider increasing it to two water bottles daily. I know its not the recommended water intake per day, but again, baby steps.
No resolutions, but a couple of goals for the year.
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